Mango (or Pear) Tart (Edit)


1 10” tart


  • 4 egg yolks

  • 1⅛ cup sugar

  • 9 Tbsp unsalted butter, unsalted

  • 1½ tsp vanilla

  • ¾ cup flour, sifted

  • ⅜ tsp salt


  • Whisk eggs, sugar, butter, and vanilla together in Kitchenaid until fluffy.

  • Then mix flour and salt together in separate bowl.

  • Add first mixture to the second a little at a time.

  • Peel and cut two [fruit]. Lay out slices in single layer on tart shell, cover with custard.

  • Bake at 400F for 10 minutes, then reduce temp to 300F for 35 minutes.