Braden Eichmeier's Portfolio

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Braden Eichmeier's Portfolio

About Me

Hello, and welcome to my portfolio! I am a robotics engineer with experience in varied industries and skill sets. My work experience includes internship positions with companies in Aerospace, Defense, Research, and Autonomous Vehicles. I recieved my Master's of Science in Robotic Systems Development from Carnegie Mellon University. My undergraduate studies include a Bachelor's of Science in Mechanical Engineering with a minor in Computer Science from Utah State University. From my internships and other projects I have experience with Visual-Inertial Odometry, Aerial Vehicle Planning, and State Space Control.

Portfolio Sections:

Selected GitHub Repositories

  • Reinfocement Learning-Robotic Arm: Training a robotic arm to place groceries in a cupboard in simulation.
  • AACAS: Autonomous Aerial Collision Avoidance System. Master's Capstone project to perceive and avoid aerial objects.
  • AACAS Sim: Simulation environment developed to iterate AACAS planning modules during the COVID pandemic.
  • Stock 2: Continued development on the stock prediction project.
  • Stock Prediction: Undergraduate project to predict Apple stock using neural networks.
  • AVC URDF: Low level controls and planning for an ackerman steered vehicle.
  • Games: Implementation of various games.


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